Environmental Policies

Company Information

Basic Philosophy

At Sankei Building Management, we are highly aware of the importance of environmental conservation at a local as well as global scale, and we contribute to the realization of a comfortable and safe society as well as living environment able to lead to a rich human existence through our business activities as a company involved in the overall maintenance of buildings.

Environmental Policies

1. Promotion of environmentally-friendly business activities

We work to prevent environmental contamination by reducing our environmental burden while introducing safe and assured operations through the provision of environmentally-friendly services as we conduct the overall maintenance of buildings.
(1) Efficient use of resources and energy
(2) Management and reduction of waste as well as promotion of recycling
(3) Acquisition and independent development of technology with a low environmental burden

2. Compliance to environmental laws and regulations

We comply to all environmentally-related laws, regulations and conventions.

3. Continual improvement of our environmental management system

We promote the continual improvement of our environmental management system by defining environmental policies as well as environmental objectives and targets while periodically reviewing how to achieve these endeavors.

4. Raising awareness

We conduct employee education so that actions are conducted following our environmental policies by raising the awareness of environmental issues in our employees.

5. Disclosure of environmental policies

We release our environmental policies both internally and externally to become a open company for both the local community and society as an aim.

April 1, 2021
The Sankei Building Management Co., Ltd.
President Masayuki Okamoto